From the SIJCC ECE Director! Daily tips.
This is an unprecedented time that includes uncharted waters for all of us. Take each day as it comes. You are doing so well. I don’t have times on here because that is all individual to you.
Wash hands. You and your child should wash hands at these points in your schedule.
Square Breathing: Inhale for 4, hold for 4. Exhale for 4, hold for 4. Repeat as many times as you can. This is for you.
Breakfast, get dressed, brush teeth and hair
Keep to your routine as much as possible
Outdoor Time/Exercise
Can’t go outside? Try yoga or exercise videos.
Circle Time (log in to join us starting tomorrow!!)
This time includes songs, stories, and discussions. If you cannot join us, be sure to connect with your child who may just need snuggles and a story.
Snack time
If at all possible, allow them to help you prepare snack or provide a location where they can serve themselves their own snack. Keep in mind their age and abilities, always keep an eye on them while they are eating. Let them help, serve little siblings, or you! This is a great time to work on all sorts of cool social/mealtime skills!
Center explorations and Enrichments
If you can set up your living room or a bedroom to have activities available to them at small tables or carpets, that’s great!. Utilize what you have in your home, coffee tables, end tables, folding tables, etc. Here are some center’s you may consider:
Building/Engineering (Magnatiles, blocks, Legos, cardboard boxes, fort building, etc.)
Dramatic play (dress up materials include imaginative clothing or your old clothing, pretend foods, dolls and figurines, etc.)
Art (paints, crayons, chalk, colored pencils, markers, found objects, recycled materials, scissors, glue, tape etc.) Go through your recycling bin and use everything that is clean!
Science (natural material exploration, cooking, etc.). Collect leaves and twigs and use them to make a portrait!
Math (manipulatives focused on counting, sorting, patterns, puzzles, etc.)
Literacy (library, writing practice, puppets, books on tape/video, etc.)
Sensory Explorations (sand and water play, playdough, light exploration, etc.). This can be done on a cookie sheet, in a big tupperware container, etc.
12 PM: Join us for lunch! Here is the link to the zoom meeting!
Rest and Relax!Remind your kids that they don’t have to sleep, but they do need to rest their bodies. You may want to set up a separate area outside of their bed to rest, this will help those who don’t nap anymore feel more comfortable. Stack pillows and blankets in a small corner or in a popup tent.
Clean up rest area
Help prepare snack and enjoy snack with family
Outdoor time (or indoor exercise)
Snack and Movie Time or center exploration
For your afternoon sanity, limit the number of activities available and try to vary from what you offered in the morning.
Help make dinner
Help add ingredients, set the table, be a runner to get food from the pantry or refrigerator. Remember, this is an opportunity to teach your child about everyday living skills, as long as they are safe, take your time and enjoy the moment. If they spill something, just say, “Ooops! What should we do?” They will take pride in wanting to help you clean it up.
Dinner time with the family
If at all possible, have your child help clean up from dinner.
6:30 PM Join Liz for a bedtime story!
Bedtime routine