Dalton Trumbo surrounded by supporters as he waits to board an airplane on his way to federal prison in 1950 for refusing to testify before the House Un-American Activities Committee. Everett Collection
Join ESJAC to discuss exciting next steps for bringing about positive change... quarantine be damned!
Wondering how to be a better arm-chair activist while you're stuck at home?
Curious to know more about the goals of this new group?
Heard about our amazing Passover Seder and excited for what's next?
Whether you are brand new to East Side Jews or you've been around for years, this is a perfect moment to connect with the bold new energy of our very own Activist Collective. This group of justice seekers are just getting started and excited to welcome new members. The meeting will be a quick dive into potential projects, and will end with plans for taking action together.
Stop by this Friday at 6:30pm on Zoom to learn more.
Stick around after for an ESJ Quick & Dirty Shabbat at 7:30pm!
Meeting ID: 861 1996 3230
- Or -
One tap mobile
Email EastSideJews@sijcc.net for more info.