Make a Name for Yourself:
a Communal Jewish Naming Ritual

SATURDAY APRIL 26th | 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM | The COURTYARD at SIJCC


Names connect us with ourselves and often generations who came before and those who will come after.

If you are Jewish (by your own definition) and would like to receive, reclaim, or change your Jewish name, this ritual is for you. One-on-one, you will meet with Rabbi Kerry to locate a Jewish name. And as a community, we’ll celebrate your name in a Shabbat morning ritual.

The ritual will be lead by Rabbi Kerry and our SIJCC B Mitzvah Mentors: Rabbi Ye’ela, Marnina, and David. If you are curious about our mentors or our B mitzvah program, you are welcome to celebrate with our community of folks receiving their names.

All are welcome to attend the ritual and a bagel lunch-ish on April 26th at 10:30 am.

This event is free, but we appreciate donations to offset the cost of the event and food.

Click below to fill out an interest form and be connected with Rabbi Kerry.

Want to attend the ritual on April 26th? RSVP Here!

What’s Happening at SIJCC