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2021 Freedom & Justice Seder: Matzah & Roses

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Join us, as the East Side Jews Activist Collective proudly presents a radical reinterpretation of the end-of-Passover seder, “The Meal of Moshiach”.

Tell Me More!?

The labor slogan “Bread and Roses” insists that all people have the right, not just to have their basic needs of sustenance met, but to enjoy the beauty and “finer things” in life as well. This year’s seder will lean into those themes and root us in collective struggle and liberation.

Which Haggadah?

This year our unique community created haggadah is giving last year’s a run for its money! Instead of focusing on food, we will dive into the symbolic and historical. Through art, poetry, revolutionary musings, and an unapologetically subversive take on the Exodus narrative, we get to considers our role as social justice warriors of today. Come as you are, with wine or without, no seder plate required!

What's the vibe?

Same as last year. This is more of an adult event but all ages and backgrounds are enthusiastically welcome. As always, the ESJ approach is pluralistic and welcoming to those of various denominations. Whether you are modern orthodox or an atheist, we believe there is something for everyone.

Gimme the deets?!

Come as you are, no seder plate is required. We’ll kick things off on Zoom, Sunday April 4th from 7:30- 9pm. Latecomers & early-leavers welcome!

Brought to you by the East Side Jews Activist Collective.